While the ego is an incredibly successful survival strategy, and its development has given humans an evolutionary advantage over all other species on the planet, it is only a stage in the evolution of the human species, and it is at the root of all human suffering.
"Every person develops a style of compensating for the lack, the ontological emptiness, which is at the centre of the ego."
— Oscar Ichazo |
The Enneagram is an ancient tool, sometimes called a wisdom mirror, that dates from the time of Pythagorus. In its current form it can be used to help one awaken from the delusion of separation and suffering that's inherent in identifying as an individual ego. It will be depicted in Beyond the Mirror through the characters of the principal players:
At some point in a life, the individual soul/ego may mysteriously be called to re-awaken to its true identity as consciousness. This calling to awaken gives rise to the spiritual search.
Initially we meet the players in the historical/biblical Garden of Eden. Here all is harmonious and peaceful. Language and time—not to mention clothing, modesty, and shame—are concepts that are yet to appear . . . though they're close at hand.
The remainder of Beyond the Mirror takes place in New Eden City in the year 2020. Since Eve and Adam were tempted by the devil—represented in the Garden of Eden allegory by the serpent, and in Beyond the Mirror by Lobida—to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, humans have evolved into a selfish, greedy, narcissistic race that's in the process of killing itself as well as the planet it inhabits. Is there hope for humanity? Will it survive the impending political, economic, sociological, ecological, and viralogical disasters that are accelerating out of control? Is there a possibility that the human race can evolve out of its current stage of mind-identification, the cause of all conflict, war, and suffering on the planet? The Players comprise two families, with widely differing world views, that are at odds with one another. The McCalls are on the left, the Abercrombies are on the right . . . |
“Let there be Peace and Love among all beings of the universe. Let there be Peace, let there be Peace. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti."
— Papaji |