"Hello darlings. How are you all today? Oh my, aren't you just so scrummy? I want to squeeze your little cheeks and eat you all up. My name is Faye Abercrombie. Yes, I'm Ken's wife. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be here with you. Thank you so much for asking me, Angel Stevie.
"Let me see now, what can I tell about this Two fixation that is my companion in life? Well, it keeps me busy. There's always someone who needs me. Someone that needs to be saved, or rescued, or to just be told how wonderful they are. I feel so blessed to be able to help so many people with my charity work. It feels so natural, so much a part of who I am . . . being there for others. "Shall I let you in on a tiny secret? You know, I don't always feel like being nice to people. Truly!! Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one doing the giving, and everyone is else is just take, take, take. Sometimes I even get tired of all the giving, and just want to curl up in a ball at home with a box of chocolates and some trashy TV. It just isn't necessarily fun slaving away behind the scenes all the time, giving my all, and generally not being adequately recognised for my contributions. There are even times when people don't notice or comment on all the hard work I've put in to make an event totally perfect. Truly. But don't tell daddy I said that, will you? He'd be so disappointed in me if he knew I wasn't grateful for my lot; I really am so blessed. "My daddy would be so proud of his little Faye if he were still alive. Especially now that I'm really making something of myself. Can you imagine what he'd say if he knew that I'm going to be First Lady of the United States of America? I just want to scream, I'm so excited about it. "I used to do anything to make daddy happy. Since he passed, I now do pretty much anything to make my husband, Ken, happy. And the twins, of course. I guess that's a pretty core feature of this Two fixation I should mention—it's all about everybody else, with my needs taking the back seat. But there I go sounding like I'm grumbling again; really I'm not. "Is there any down side to the Two fixation? Oh, you're really not hearing me, are you dear? I spend all day, everyday, doing things for other people. Now I do those things better than anyone else does them, that's for sure, but if I'm entirely honest, I just don't get the recognition that I deserve. It can all be very exhausting . . ." |
" Now, when I stop trying to please people; when I give up the need to be seen and loved by everyone; when I relax and allow people to look after their own needs; when I give up judging other people's abilities as being inferior to my own; and when I allow myself to feel the painful unlovability that is hiding deep inside me that feeds it all, then it feels like I'm falling apart somehow, dissolving. This reveals a new, humbler, and innately loveable me.
"When all the effort and activity to do things for others is stopped, I become aware of how light and wonderful the world really is. People are allowed to be who they are, no longer just an extension of me.
"When I stay centred and present, with a quiet mind and an open heart, I can share this soft, gentle love that is starting to flow through me effortlessly with the world. Most surprising of all, however, is noticing that I need to get nothing from the outside to feel fulfilled and whole. It's miraculous."
"When all the effort and activity to do things for others is stopped, I become aware of how light and wonderful the world really is. People are allowed to be who they are, no longer just an extension of me.
"When I stay centred and present, with a quiet mind and an open heart, I can share this soft, gentle love that is starting to flow through me effortlessly with the world. Most surprising of all, however, is noticing that I need to get nothing from the outside to feel fulfilled and whole. It's miraculous."